Monday, January 11, 2010

Don't Worry... We're Not as Insane as we Sound....

or are we?

May 02, 2006
This is the first page of what I'm sure will be a very long "note".
It is for us to talk and pass away the hours of boredom while we are in our classes after the teacher has stopped speaking.
Here we go!
Wouldn't you know... I've got nothing to say! Bummer. Hahhh! That's a fun word to write. Bummer! What do you think?

I think... Whaaa! Keeping in terms of Mr. Fuller. Last night I climbed 16 flights of stairs. My marker is making me dizzy. W ^ with you? Poopy book. Rawr! Over the summer I will buy them and burn them and then I will read my own books. Haha! Speckles!

Amen to that! I am reading it right now. (Or was a second ago) It is GROSS! All they're talking about is doing things with women. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! This book should be rated "X". Bleck! Why we're allowed to read such an icky book I will never know. Yuck! -shivers- (At this point of our lives, we were reading All Quiet on the Western Front for our Sophomore Honors English Class. It was torture. [though, not as bad as the Oddysey or the Aeneid])

Lol. I don't mind it. The icky stuff amuses me. Hah! You go back to reading it. Prom! Ooh la la. I have to go to the orthodontist on the 12th. No senior ball for me! Har! Well I have no one to go with. Meh. Next year? I dunno. Yay for procrastination!

I hope I'll have someone to go with next year... I wonder who that could possibly be.. hmmm...
Yes. Procrastination is fun, at least until it catches up with you. *giggle* That's what happens to me with the ASL practice log. Sigh. "It" annoys me. (we have no idea what "It" is. )

It annoys me too. I am a huge procrastinator. Hmm... Yes... For dear Sara... who could she possibly go to prom with *edited out*? Tee hee. Perhaps. Ooh we are sneaky. I haven't gone to any dances this year. Haha! I might dye my hair red + blue.

Oh... groan. Don't! blech! I think, if you would dye your hair, it would just HAVE to be hot pink! No lousy red + blue. Oh no. JK

Yayy! I <3 hot pink... sometimes. La la la. Stupid Seth. Meh. Well class is almost over. Now Deja can become part of the notebook too. I wanta Monster.

What Kind of monster? I think I would want a cookie monster. Yum! We would eat cookies all day!

Not all day. He might think you're a cockie and then eat you. I want a monster who would give me energy and then eat me alive.

Ooo! I, personally, don't think you would taste very good. But, that's just me. Deja, my brother was launching rockets on... I think Saturday, and he went in your backyard to try to find it. he said that you guys were freaking out because you didn't recognize him. Lol.

I probably don't taste very good. But monsters don't care. They aren't picky eaters.

Oh. Thank goodness. if they were, they might starve to death, and that would make me sad.

Yes. I know. You're the lord of the monsters. Poor you. Your subjects eat all the food. How fat they must be. Deja- So quiet with her green hand.

Yes. I do have a green hand. *draws smiley face with weird teeth*

Yay! mine is peachy and fleshy. Yay fleshy.

Yup. Fleshy is fun to say! I also enjoy saying giggle. Tee hee! (can't you just see a little girl doing that?) Look at me and I will demonstrate.

No but i can see a big grown man. Sara, that was scary, please never again!

haha! I see scary men. In my head. My dad is strange. But giggly, jiggly, Tuscaloosa, fleshy, slitterwrista. HAHA! I have awesome stickers!

I am glad you enjoyed my demonstration, but yes, I agree it is very scary. Oh well! what is life w/o a little fear? J/k.

A life with no Saras/Sarahs/Sararahs and spiders.

Thanks for comparing me to a spider, Deja, I appreciate it. NOT!

Teehee. Yay spiders. Weeeeeeeeeeeee!

No prob. And huh^ to you?

Oh. YEAH! Leather bones. Carbon clones. Honey, that ain't the science of love.

Sarah, you scare me... A LOT! But that's neither here, nor there. What movie is that from? I can't remember. What does Tuscaloosa mean? I'm confuzzled.

I know. I'm so weird, I scare myself. But that is just another service I offer. Ooh. Speckles. I don't know either. . . Something I don't remember. Tuscaloosa is a city in... Alabama, I think.

you gays are weird and talk about nothing.

That's the whole point of this notebook. You know, Sarah, you would think she would figure SOMETHING is weird about this, especially with the lovely title we have bestowed upon it. -snort-. i don't think she gets it.

I know. It's a book about nothing! How do you know when it's done? I know... OMG! Did you see that girl, Deja? I mean, gosh. I wish I was that pretty. JK. I've always wondered if there are colors we can't see :( I want to see them.

^ this is a no language book of doom, if you don't mind, Sarah. It makes me feel... unhappy.

If you were an alien maybe you could. And all that jazz. Hehe, twinkler toes.

What girl? What jazz? jk. I used to have twinkler toes, I was in dance. And then I was in piano, so I had twinkler fingers. What twinkler should I have next?

Girl? No! Deja is the girl, Duh Sara! No language notebook of doom? DOOM? DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
Yay! I am bored. Don't be unhappy. don't be sad, get mad.

Do get mad... get gladware kitchen ware! Sara, you were in a piano?

Yeah. It was a little cramped, but I got used to it after a little while. It was the worse when someone would play on it. I swear I went temporarily deaf in there.

I would think you'd just get pinched. Your parents are so mean to put you in such a tiny piano. Gosh, you deserve at least a milk jug!

When i was in there, I dreamed of a crayon box. Yeah, the blue kind. Maybe gray. Definitely my dream home *sigh dreamily*

Ok. That's ok.

Haha. I love that new crayon smell.

Dreamy, huh? Anyway, I keep thinking that in the summer, I'll still be in my old house. Not true! Driving me crazy! I can't seem to get my mind around the fact that I'm moving. It bugs me.

Terribly sorry, old chum. I hope you can get feeling okay.

You know what? We should write the car-freshener makers and ask them to make one in crayon smell. Tee hee!

Yes! And then we can eat crayons and smell them. Argh! It is hard to write while the bus is moving. Bumpy!

Yes, I agree. -snot- It's Deja's new cool word.

Snot? FIZZMAH! Heck yes! I hate elementary schools. Gah! I wish you had a cell phone. Rawr.

Rawr back. (Are we lions now?)

hah! I am a leo! boo to you. Funny looking one.

This world is sick and wrong!